Big businesses like Walmart and Publix focus on profits more than the safety of consumers.
But a business that opens its doors to people to make a profit has a duty to protect those people. Failure to do so constitutes an element of negligence and may form a strong base for a negligence lawsuit.
Slip and fall accidents are more common than you may think. If you or a loved one slip and fall in a St. Petersburg or Pinellas County store because the store did not take reasonable steps to protect you then you may have a slip and fall lawsuit. Contact us for a free case evaluation with one of our St. Petersburg slip and fall lawyer.

Unfortunately, these big businesses tend to very stingy with their profits. And if you have been hurt in one of these stores you have to deal with the very top when trying to settle your case. That means you are dealing with a stingy corporate Walmart in Arkansas, not the store with the nice manager on US-19. And without question, the big stores will try to lowball you in a slip and fall case in St. Petersburg.
How A St. Petersburg Slip And Fall Lawyer Helps
From bumps and bruises to some serious injuries such as traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injuries, we know the best lawyer to handle a slip and fall case is one with extensive courtroom experience. A personal injury lawyer with a history of going to Court tells the insurance company they are in for a long fight, and they are better off.
How Our St. Petersburg Slip, Trip, And Fall Lawyers Get Great Results
The process makes the difference. Restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience store owners have an obligation to protect individuals that they invite into their property from dangerous conditions and defects. Even so, people get hurt every day due to wet surfaces, improper lighting, and failure to warn them of dangerous conditions.
The success of any legal matter depends on the unique circumstances of each case, therefore, we cannot guarantee particular results for future clients.
Common Slip And Fall Cases In St. Petersburg Involve:
Slip And Fall Victim Checklist
What Will A St. Petersburg Slip And Fall Lawyer Do?
What Is The Business Owner’s Duty To Me?
Florida law requires a property or business owner to keep their properties safe for visitors, guests, and customers and to give warnings about any dangerous or hazardous condition. The owner of a properties’ duty depends to you depends on whether you are an invitee, a licensee, or a trespasser.
You Are An Invitee
If you came to the business to conduct commerce then you are an invitee and are owed the highest level of care. Think the grocery store, liquor store, restaurant, or other “shop” that sells goods. If you are an invitee, the business has a duty to inspect the premises and fix any dangerous conditions and to warn you to be careful until they are fixed.
You Are A Licensee
If you enter a location with the permission of the property owner but are not there to conduct business you are a licensee. Think going over to your friend’s house or going to a baseball game.
If you are a licensee the landowner has a duty to fix any potential dangers or warn the licensee. The landowner has less of a duty to you to protect you if you are a licensee than if you were an invitee.
You Are A Trespasser
If you enter someone else’s land without permission, you are trespassing. Trespassers have the lowest amount of protection from a landowner. however if the landowner has created an artificial condition that is hidden or otherwise not noticeable to a reasonable person, the property owner may be liable to the trespasser.
What Is My Personal Injury Lawsuit Worth?
Your case will depend on a host of factors such as the ones mentioned above. Additionally, the value of your case will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of the injury and where you were injured. Where applicable, our Florida personal injury lawyers will also seek compensation for medical bills you’ve had to pay and any lost wages you’ve experienced due to the inability to go to work because of the accident.
We give every personal injury claim the highest level of consideration and assessment. Once we assess circumstances surrounding your personal injury case and we believe you have a valid slip and fall claim, we will not stand down negligent property owners and their insurers.
Our Expertise
We have your back. Whatever you might be suffering from, accidents, injuries or medical malpractice, we have you covered throughout Florida
Let’s get in touch!
The initial consultation is absolutely FREE
Denmon Pearlman
Tampa Office
2504 W Crest Ave
Tampa, FL 33614
(813) 554-3232
Denmon Pearlman
St. Petersburg Office
520 2nd Ave South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 493-5610
Denmon Pearlman
New Port Richey Office
5703 Main Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
(727) 753-0049
Denmon Pearlman
Brooksville Office
1790 E Jefferson St.
Brooksville, FL 34601
(352) 309-7354
Denmon Pearlman
Seminole Office
5290 Seminole Blvd. Suite D
St. Petersburg, FL 33708