Car accidents can cause all kinds of emotional and physical injuries, but when a car accident causes a fatality and the victim is your spouse, it can be almost too much to cope with. Dealing with a sudden and unexpected loss is devastating to the spouse left behind.

Picturing yourself as a widow isn’t something that likely occurred to you, but now you’ve been thrown into the situation and it’s up to you to look after yourself. So, how exactly do you cope if your spouse is killed in a car accident? Here are some tips that can help you work your way through this horrific time.

Permit Yourself to Feel All the Emotions

There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of a spouse. You are entitled to every emotion you feel, so take the guilt out of the equation and permit yourself to feel everything. You may have extremely sad and lonely times, followed by an okay period where you start feeling a bit more like yourself. Grieving doesn’t follow a specific timeline, so don’t get caught up in when you will “feel better”.

Get Professional Help with Grieving

Even though grieving is unique to each person, getting professional help can be incredibly beneficial. Speaking to a grief therapist or counsellor can help arm you with useful tools and knowledge. You can also look into local support groups where you’ll be able to connect with people going through similar experiences.

Find Things You Love to Do in Life

To help take a break from the emotional toll that grief has taken on you, be sure to do things you love. This could be a hobby, visiting friends, enjoying a lovely walk through the park – anything that helps you to be in that moment and relax.

You May Be Eligible for Damages

Depending on the situation surrounding the accident, you may be eligible to receive damages through a wrongful death lawsuit. This happens when a person isn’t guilty of a crime, but has wrongfully caused the death of another, a negligent party. Compensation for pain and suffering is very common.

The best piece of advice is to contact us at Denmon Pearlman Law. We understand how the law works as we have experience with car accident claims that have led to death. We know you’re going through an emotional time, and coping with the stress of a lawsuit isn’t something you want to deal with. This is why we will take care of everything, and fight on your behalf.

We invite you to come visit us at one of our many offices:

  • Tampa – 2504 W Crest Ave, Tampa, FL 33614
  • Petersburg – 520 2nd Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
  • New Port Richey – 5703 Main Street, New Port Richey, FL 34652
  • Brooksville – 1790 E Jefferson St., Brooksville, FL 34601
  • Seminole – 5290 Seminole Blvd. Suite D, St. Petersburg, FL 33708

If you’d rather contact us by telephone, you can call now for a free consultation on (800) 800-4300.

Let us at Denomon Pearlman Law fight for you and get you fair compensation.