People often think of a slip and fall as something relatively minor, and no big deal. And while that may be the case sometimes, often slips and falls can lead to more serious injuries that require medical treatment and even a prolonged recovery process. When that slip or fall is due to the negligence of another party, things get more confusing as there may be a valid claim and you could be eligible for compensation.

Consider this your easy-to-refer-to guide on recovering from slip and fall accidents, including seeking medical treatment immediately after and during the recovery process and how to go about pursuing compensation.

Don’t Assume You Are Fine

A slip and fall can seem very mild, and as though no injury has been sustained, but the fact is, your injuries may not always be visible or noticeable in those first few moments. You may not need to visit the urgent care or emergency room if your injuries aren’t serious, but it’s still important to see your doctor as soon as possible for a check-up and evaluation.

It’s not uncommon to feel okay in the moments following the fall, and then start to feel pain and discomfort as the hours/days go by and the injuries become more obvious. Seeing a doctor isn’t just important for your health; it’s also important that your injuries are documented should you need that as evidence down the road.

An Accident Should Be Immediately Reported

And speaking of documentation, your slip and fall should also be reported to the landlord, owner or manager of the premises where the slip and fall occurred. Again, this may be necessary as evidence.

Take Pictures of the Scene

If possible, you should also try to take some photos of the scene where you had your slip and fall. It’s advisable to also keep the shoes and clothing you were wearing at the time of the accident.

What If You Think You’re Eligible for Compensation?

Then there is the topic of financial compensation, which may apply in a personal injury claim. Compensation is meant to cover such things as medical costs, lost wages due to the injuries sustained, follow-up treatment, and even pain and suffering. But because personal injury claims are so complex and you need to prove that your injuries were due to the negligence of another person/party, it’s best to work with an experienced lawyer.

A lawyer will know all the right questions to ask, and the proof required, and walk you through the process that you can expect. They can also discuss with you how strong your claim is.

Reach out to us at Denmon Pearlman Law to get in touch with lawyers who have experience with personal injury claims, and slip and fall accidents. You can visit our offices in person at:

  • Tampa – 2504 W Crest Ave, Tampa, FL 33614
  • Petersburg – 520 2nd Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
  • New Port Richey – 5703 Main Street, New Port Richey, FL 34652
  • Brooksville – 1790 E Jefferson St., Brooksville, FL 34601
  • Seminole – 5290 Seminole Blvd. Suite D, St. Petersburg, FL 33708

Don’t wait, call now for a free consultation at (800) 800-4300 if you’re a victim of a slip and fall accident.